Release 2.14.0

Feature - Compliance Analysis Findings Mandatory Fields (2426)
Feature - Explicit message when mandatory relationship is deleted (2523)
Feature - extend compliance package title, id to support up to 255 chars (2517)
Feature - Helper texts for system health must be updated (2469)
Feature - Remove year from date-picker in Audit and Maintenance dates (2476)

Bug - Name of Reviewer is missing in document history (2531)
Bug - Audit Improvements not listed on filters (2518)
Bug - Error when configuring SAML connector (2533)
Bug - Reviewer is not inherited from security policy (2520)
Bug - Chart labels overlapping in pdf (2535)
Security Audit - Security bug fixes (2534)

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Acunetix security scan r2.14.0:
20200323_Executive_Summary_acunetix_cloud_eramba_org.pdf (84.0 KB)

Release 15 is planned to focus around optimisation , this is needed to address new dashboards and workflows in the coming months.