Feature - Policy portal enabled to all LDAP users

When you enable the policy portal you tell eramba:

1- what ldap connector to use
2- to enable the portal as guest

If i define #2 then portal shows all policies (those that are defined as “public” on the policy itself) at once, that is ok. if i select ldap connector (#1) then:

if ( i have at least one policy set as public ) then the portal shows as follow:

if ( i dont have even one policy as “public” ) then the portal shows just the authentication form:

(image missing)

in this case, eramba needs to know what LDAP groups the user attempting to login belongs to in order for eramba to show the right policies , the setup on the policy looks like this:

On step #1 you choose a group connector, on step #2 you choose which group (one or more the user must belong to see this policy).

What we want to change is an ADDITIONAL FEATURE where users ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BELONG TO ANY SPECIAL GROUP to see the policies, so on step #1 we need a DEFAULT option called “No LDAP Group Authorisation Required” which means that no LDAP group is need, if the user authenticates on the portal ok then you show this policy no matter to what group they belong.

We also miss bulk edit options to select: public, private and authorized users only (only the option mentioned above as the other would require further logic to setup the ldap group, etc).

Gtihub: https://github.com/eramba/eramba_v2/issues/2461
Zendesk: https://eramba.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/7833