Bug - Awareness notifications trigger when item is "Closed"

Say i create an awareness notification that reminds people with policy exceptions that they have one of those … once the exception is “Closed” the awareness reminders should STOP , and it doesnt.

This affects the following sections:

  • /securityServiceAudits (when the audit is completed stop)
  • /securityServiceMaintenances (when maintenance is completed, stop)
  • /policyExceptions (when the exception is closed, stop)
  • /riskExceptions (when the exception is closed, stop)
  • /riskReviews
  • /complianceExceptions (when is closed, stop)
  • /complianceAnalysisFindings (when is closed, stop)
  • /vendor_assessments/vendorAssessmentFindings (when is closed, stop)
  • /projects (when is completed, stop), /projectAchievements (when is %100 , stop)
  • /securityIncidents (when is closed, stop)
  • /account_reviews/accountReviewFindings (when is closed, stop)

int ref: https://github.com/eramba/eramba_v2/issues/1993