Bug: mails are sent to disabled users

What version of eramba you are using (System / About)


A brief explanation of the issue

Notification mails get sent to users that are disabled. We only send to groups, so it’s is currently unclear if this is a general bug or only for notifications sent to groups. When an employee leaves the company, we disable the account and leave it as it was to remain the audit trail. We could remove that user from all groups to avoid the user still receiving mails via groups but the described behaviour is unexpected and unseen in other software. A disabled user should not only be prohibited from logging in but also from getting notifications.

What steps, one by one, including screenshots if needed, we must follow in order to reproduce the issue

  • create a user
  • add that user to a group
  • disable that user
  • trigger an action that sends a notification email to that group
  • the user will receive the email

phew, top bug documentation

top bug documentation in → top bug resolution out :smiley:

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I think this would bug me


Int. ref.: https://github.com/eramba/eramba/issues/5011

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