Bug - Release 3.22.1

Updated to the latest Release 3.22.1 and now none of our reports and certain edit functions are working and throwing errors.
So far the following items are broken:
Document Portal Links
Editing various items from different modules
Section Reports
Item Reports

This release is seriously broken so do not upgrade yet!!!

is not totally true and is not totally untrue, we put it off yesterday and we are working on it. We’ll let you now @dzl when we have an update.


After investigation, the problem was caused by the PHP version used, you can read more about it in the release notes. As a hotfix, eramba will switch to the default translation file if the conflict with the PHP version is detected. When the issue is resolved on the PHP side, we will be able to do a proper fix that will allow you to use the translation file again. Until then you will have to downgrade PHP version or use the default translation file. :frowning: Release 3.22.2 (hotfix)
Kudos to you for keeping your underlying system updated! haha

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Thank you for the update.
I can live without the translation file for now as I was only using it to rename some modules.