Bug - Strong passwords for mySQL database connections

Hi all, in my mySQL installation, I ran into a problem where cron did not want to start up at all. After a bunch of debugging and troubleshooting, it turned out to be password related.

When setting a very strong password for your mySQL instance (with all the special characters), the password ends up in an .env file on the cron instance. Depending on what character you use, the password may only be read up to a = or some other special character you have, resulting in an “access denied” being thrown by cron before dying.

Just a heads up - it would appear Eramba does not like very strong passwords. If you’re stuck with cron not running, try changing the password to only a-z0-9.


Thanks for the post. I will update our troubleshooting guide.
This issue seems to be more related to Docker than Eramba.
See here: Issue with special chars in .env file - #5 by avbentem - General - Docker Community Forums