Enhancement of Awareness program

We have two things that are a little bit confusing during the run of the awareness program and a small bug that we want to resolve.

  1. Counter reset
    It is very hard to explain this logic, and it does not make much sense. When you start the awareness program, one reminder is sent after the invitation, which acts like a counter reset. After that reminder, actual reminders start working. You will get this reminder even if you are already finished the program based on the invitation email. Confusing.

Int. ref.: https://github.com/eramba/eramba_v2/issues/3460

  1. Feature-Pause status
    If you want to change the awareness program (attachments, texts etc.), you have to stop it and start again. This will start a new recurrence. Pause status should allow you to make the changes without starting another recurrence.

Int. ref.: https://github.com/eramba/eramba_v2/issues/3389

  1. Bug-Ignored users can still access the awareness program
    The title is quite self-explanatory.

Int. ref.: https://github.com/eramba/eramba_v2/issues/3657

One additional hard to reproduce bug:

  1. Bug-Understand button can not be pressed

Int. ref.: https://github.com/eramba/eramba_v2/issues/3377