Feature - Adding comment author field in macros

We are using the %COMMENT_MESSAGE% field in macros to send email and webhook notifications upon a new comment. Would it be possible to also include a field for the author of the comment, so this information can be included in the notification along with the actual message?

Yes, that feature would be of great help, and can ease the process of tracking approvals

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We need two changes, if i want to create a dynamic status that triggers when a someome from a group (lets say director) approves something by writting a comment & attachment, i can only select users not groups.

This dropdown should include groups and if possible as well, roles from that section.

When you create a comments & attachment notification, the author login, Name + Surname, should be possible to include, not just the content.

Note: this is not possible for Digest type of notifications

github: https://github.com/eramba/eramba/issues/4632

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Do you have further updates on when this will be released please? Thank you

nothing yet , is on the roadmap still … we are just too focused with the new ux for the rest of the year. i hope we can start with this and workflow related projects next year.