Feature: Ask to delete associations with other sections?

Not sure how to better describe this but I was going to delete an internal control and got this warning telling me about “associations with other sections”

Currently this means, going into Asset Risks and manually removing the control I am determined to delete from 8 asset risks

How about a dialog asking maybe: do you want me to remove all associations to this control and then delete it?


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is more of a bulk edit modification i would say

90000 million hours of developement which at this time are much better spent in other place…a bulk edit solves the problem.

is more of a bulk edit modification i would say

Oh, so that is what “Clear” does: it clears the control selected in bulk edit mode? If that is the case this is the solution I was looking for. THANKS. This is good enough for problem.

90000 million hours of developement which at this time are much better spent in other place…a bulk edit solves the problem.

If this feature costs you that many hours, you are doing something wrong, just saying :wink:

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a few times per week g-u-a-r-a-n-t-e-e-d , if you ask my wife? many more than a few times :slight_smile:

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