Feature - Asset Classification limits to 4 classifications (fixed r34)

Currently, while you can define many risk classifications, you can only assign 4 to an asset. This allows, as an example, tracking risk to confidentiality, integrity, availability, and privacy. With Donn Parker’s hexiad in mind, I’d love to be able also track risks to control, utility and authenticity in addition to confidentiality, integrity, availability, and privacy. Is there any way to extend the number of risk classifications possible to assign to an asset to seven, or better to equal the number of classification types created by the administrator?

Yep - no reason to limit this one.


Thanks for rising this up!


We were testing this but could not reproduce, for example we created 5 classifications for assets and all five were displayed.

Perhaps we are testing this the wrong way?

Let us know!

Just tested that asset in the risk module (using Magerit as calculation since only that one cares about the asset classification and also seems to work well)

let us know!

I’m an idiot, I wrote asset and I meant risk. See attachments.

hehe - no worries we just extended the limit to 10.