Feature - Compliance Analysis Findings - Add Import Functionality (due for r53)

Hi all,

I know the Compliance Analysis Findings section has just been added. I looked but didn’t see an option to import a spreadsheet of any existing findings.

Is this something you would consider adding? Would be useful in helping bulk load potential findings/issues.



Good point!


We cant provide you a deadline now as we are closing workflows for the next couple of weeks (when the release is out). But we’ll update this status once we complete that out.


Looking for this functionality again as we received a recent audit.

I don’t see any option to import under the Compliance Analysis Findings section, nor do I see any examples in the API docs (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AzTUqrs8RJ84VhYjLbVIbw6f2vzSQfzTNiD01JF8qbM/edit)



Hi Noah,

There is no import functionality that is why you dont see it ! Its a question of “add” by hand … but imports is quite dry on the code so we can make it happen quickly i think.

Compliance Findings Import:

It should be for release 53 (end of next week, in theory)

Thanks Noah

Hey all, just wanted to check in on this. I looked again just now and didn’t see it, so figured I’d double check.



We published the update today, a few minutes ago!