The red portion of feedback is “dumb” , meaning it will keep sending emails no matter if “feedback” (which in the end is comments or attachments) have been provided.
It would make sense to make it “smart”, and:
check if feedback has been received or not.
Notify the owner of that object that feedback has been received (this is optional, some items do not have “owners”)
Otherwise, If you create a task in a project (Security operations / Project Management) and request feedback, how can you tell when you got that feedback or not ? or if you want a report of “missing feedback” how you get it?
afaik on the feedback page there is now just the title plus the note and attachment icons. For our purposes it is enough at the moment, but I could imagine that there could be the need to see more information, e.g. for exceptions to see the details, maybe even comments or for controls to see the audit criteria. Of course it should be possible to enable and disable it depending on the notification.
I was working with this today (we are refactoring notifications from scratch) and came to the following conclusions:
We’ll put a link to the title of the object, if clicked it will take them to the object (if they have access to see it) … in that way they can see what the stuff is all about.
We’ll allow users to provide feedback more than once
We’ll keep records of every time they provided feedback. This in fact is already happening (system records for the object, we’ll just update teh text displayed).
I’m planning to use feedback to have ACK of notifications - imagine you have a policy or control and you setup a notification that goes every 60 days that on the body describes what is the important stuff these people needs to look at and you tell them to provide feedback to ACK they have understood that.
This would be useful like a “light” awareness training in my view. In particular since groups will soon be an option for all object roles.