Feature - integrations with other systems

We want to start creating integrations with other systems, the first one will be “Slack”.

Each configured integration should have the following logic:

  • A list of integration where we clearly can tell which one is: “Enabled” and which ones if “Disabled”
  • Sometimes, not always user needs to configure that connector using eramba UI, this configuration is per integration. there is no “standard” configuration for all of them. This is a bit like LDAP/AWS/Etc in eramba today under access management.
  • If a connector fails (while is being in use) we switch the status to “Enabled / With Errors”
  • Each integration needs the following options: Disable (if enabled), Test, Delete, Enable (if disabled), Configure (which loads the modal required to make it work), Logs (which shows the last logs from the integration)

Once a connector is “Enabled” the user can:

  • Based on a trigger which might be configurable or not
  • The integration will connect to the other system and do “something”

The table below shows simple ideas:

For starters we will explore integrations with tools we have in eramba (Slack, Google Drives, Etc) and then expand to other systems.

Internal Reference: https://github.com/eramba/eramba/issues/4472
Internal Reference: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mtso3TqjX4mxvLw_7qC9nIeWvx80Cm_3X9gcoKzyuOo/edit#gid=0

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