Feature - Privacy and Disclaimer Settings

We have received a request for adding two things at the login page of eramba:

  • privacy link
  • disclaimer (clickable, mandatory at first login)

This two would be optional settings under “Localisation” settings


  • Login Privacy Warning
  • Login Disclaimer Warning

A light modal will be loaded when the setting is clicked, the following configurations will be allowed:

  • General tab / “Title” the text shown on the login page … Privacy Policy or whatever they want to call it
  • General tab / “Portals” choose with checkbox in which portal they wish this to be shown
  • General tab / “Mandatory” is a checkbox that makes the option “mandatory at first login”, this means that when a user logs in for the first time the modal shows but can not continue until its scrolled down and “accepted”. if there setting is set for both (privacy and disclaimer) then the user will see one and then the other.
  • Message tab / “Text or URL?” a drop down that based on the selection enables one or another field below. whatever is enabled “disables” the content of the other.
  • Message tab / “Text” an HTML editor so the user can copy/paste any kind of text they wish to display.
  • Message tab / “URL” an URL that points to whatever site the customer wants

the privacy and disclaimer will be shown on the portal as a clickable string (as defined on the setting) one below the other and we’ll move the existing text, warnings, etc to the bottom right as a single string:

int ref: https://github.com/eramba/eramba_v2/issues/1794 / https://eramba.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/6026

We already have our privacy notice and disclaimer held on our corporate web site which means that we would like to be able to link/refer to these from the login page of eramba to minimise duplication and maintenance by having two sites hosting the same information. Has this been considered.

we just included it on the description

Hi all

Could this please be revisited ? We have been asked to link our Privacy Policy on the main login screen of ERAMBA (Main Portal and Online Portal).
