Feature - Risk Charts by Risk Owner

We want the following charts on the risk section (all three):

Type: Section
Name: Top 20 Risk Owners
Description: The chart shows the top 20 risk owners
Chart Type: pie, warning we can have many owners (30-50) and a risk might have more than one owner or a group. in which case you count every recurrence.

Type: Section
Name: Top 20 Risk Stakeholders
Description: The chart shows the top 20 risk stakeholders
Chart Type: pie, warning we can have many owners (30-50) and a risk might have more than one owner or a group. in which case you count every recurrence.

Type: Section
Name: Accumulated Risk by Owner
Description: This chart shows risk score grouped by Risk Owner
Chart Type: https://ecomfe.github.io/echarts-examples/public/editor.html?c=treemap-disk

Type: Section
Name: Accumulated Risk by Stakeholder
Description: This chart shows risk score grouped by Risk Stakeholder
Chart Type: https://ecomfe.github.io/echarts-examples/public/editor.html?c=treemap-disk

int. ref: https://github.com/eramba/eramba_v2/issues/1974

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