January Instructor Led Trainings (Risk & Compliance) - EU/Americas

Training has been completed, around 100 people completed all five days. Feedback from participants:

Excellent presentation. Estaban is amazing.

Great training from a knowledgable instructor, lots of valuable information presented clearly in a structured way. Highly recommended.

Thanks for whoule explanations and tranning

Esteban made the learning process very efficient and I greatly appreciate his expertise and honesty. He efficiently explained a lot of ideas that will help me use eramba and any other software in this area.

Esteban covered a lot in a humorous and efficient way and understanding the context of Eramba is essential to implementing it correctly. The online training does the same thing thing but not as effectively (for me at least)

Helpful to see someone else present a (demo) use case to understand the concepts tought in the learning portal. Some quick options like disabling certain fields were explained way too quickly. Very hard to keep up. All the principles and explainations that were illustrated through google sheet calculations were very helpful.