Our next release includes:
- Custom Fields - Expand it to Security Incidents Feature Reported by Customer Security Operations
- General Fixes for Risk Module - Treatment Options Feature Reported by Customer Risk Management
- General Fixes for Risk Module - Risk Reviews Bug Reported by Customer Risk Management
- General Fixes for Risk Module - PDF Exports Status is wrong Bug Reported by Customer Risk Management
- General Fixes for Risk Module - Risk Descriptions field Feature Reported by Customer Risk Management
- General Fixes for Risk Module - sort classifications by value Bug Reported by Customer Risk Management
- General Fixes for Risk Module - Threat and Vulnerability Tags while editing Bug Reported by Customer Risk Management
- General Fixes for Risk Module - Risk Filters missing Threats and Vulnerabilities Feature Reported by Customer Risk Management
- General Fixes for Risk Module - Risk Residual Score Feature Reported by Customer Risk Management
- Third Party Audit Messages Grammar Correction
- Remove projects from controls, audits, policies, etc when closed
- Project Completion formula broken
- Dashboards reset functionality do not seem to work well - disable it.
I release this list is not cristal clear, we are working on making our issue tracker API compatible so you will know in detail what we are working on.