every couple of months we plan or re-plan what we need to get done , our typicall deviation error when planning is in the order of “one or two months” at best but it does help us having a long term vision
Martin and Marek will work on migration, scalability and workflows until next spring.
- by December 2020 we need to complete the migration, is very likely we’ll do it by then
- by January we’ll start pushing the “migration” eramba to customers, we expect two months to additionally stabilise.
- After all customers migrated to the new eramba, we’ll work on scalability issues and workflows, some 4-6 months of work
Viktor will keep focusing on opensourcegrc.org, we expect a solid BETA to be ready by late this year.
By April 2021, once scalability is addressed we can start offering SaaS/Hosted services, before that makes no point as the architecture will most likely change. We need further skills to design this setup and operate it, we’ll see how we manage that.
Our roadmap is plagued with issues on both short and terms issues, the chart below is a quick analysis that shows we are really behind -the migration is to be blamed for this-. We plan to hire a new developer in eramba to focus on backend issues by January hopefully slowly working on them as he/she learns how we work. We are hoping to address half of the current queue by Spring.
We’ll see how all this goes, is fun to write this things because we always read them and make laughs of how plans typically end up going over here.