Off-topic - Discontinued "Source Code Install" from September. Dockers here we go

We are hoping the first week of September the new website will be launched, it will include the new learning platform and new look and feel. We will also publish a new community version and if we make it on time, a migration path from old community to the new community.

Today there are two methods to install eramba: Source Code and VM. The “Source Code” option will be discontinued and replaced by a “Docker” install. This will apply to both community and enterprise.

We’ll make our official images, composer, etc as part of the install process. The code will still be of course inside the image, in addition, we will probably around October make our Github repositories open (both community and enterprise) to the public (with the exception of the enterprise only modules). This is in part due to our new development pipeline process which is fully integrated in Github using workflows, CI, etc.

Will enterprise users currently using a source code installation be able to switch to the VM option?

this has always been possible, is just a migration in between servers. look at our “Source Code” installation, towards the end you have a guide on how you can migrate eramba in between servers

If we’re currently using the source code install, will that continue to work or would we have to migrate to VM or a Docker Container?

Sure, it will work.

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Hi all,

We have to perform a new installation in the following days. How we have to proceed? Have we any installation guide for dockers?


A couple of weeks maybe three weeks … you can sneak here the preview: Docker Install | Eramba learning portal


We need to perform the installation before… Should we proceed with the Soruce Code Installation for now? or what do you recommend us?


yes , the source code installation is what is available now, if you need help let us know

As we have this app now in a docker installation. do we get a helm chart to deploy it in a kubernetis cluster?

Is there any intention to extend the Docker Installation option to a full helm chart installation?

Not in the near future I would say.