for us it’s important to be able to read and update the value of custom fields in the Asset Risks page via REST API. Can you please evaluate adding this to the roadmap?
Our use case is the following: we use Jira to manage the tasks/projects related to risk mitigation. We’d like to add the Jira issue link in Eramba and be able to update the status in Eramba via REST API. This would make governance much easier.
@kisero is it possible to get a comment from the product team on this one? We have additional use cases where we would greatly benefit if we could read/update custom fields of assets and asset risks via API.
fabio ask a technical (developer ideally) person to:
1- create an item with a custom field
2- run a rest view call on that item, share on this post the request (endpoint, header, payload) and response obtained (json)
describe then what is missing. it should work, also edits.
Hello. Did you manage to update the field via rest API. I’ve a similar question. I’m trying to use this:
endpoint for example /api/assets/106
I want to change description so I use this json formatted text:
dati = { “name”: “Test Asset API Edited”}
If I try to use the function (in python) r.put or r.patch I get this info back:
<bound method Response.json of <Response [422]>>
b'{"message":"20 validation errors occurred: asset_media_type_id._required - This field is required; asset_owners._required - This field is required; grc_contacts._required - This field is required; business_units._required - This field is required; description._required - This field is required; asset_label_id._required - This field is required; related_assets._required - This field is required; legals._required - This field is required; asset_guardians._required - This field is required; asset_users._required - This field is required; asset_classifications_1._required - This field is required; asset_classifications_2._required - This field is required; asset_classifications_3._required - This field is required; custom_field_6._required - This field is required; custom_field_12._required - This field is required; custom_field_13._required - This field is required; custom_field_14._required - This field is required; custom_field_15._required - This field is required; custom_field_22._required - This field is required; custom_field_23._required - This field is required; ","url":"\\/api\\/assets\\/106","code":422}'
so are all fields manadatory? is it not possible to update a single field only?
I’m trying to update a custom field too (with a date inside).
Is it possible?