Question - Asset risk index as asset attribute

Hi all,

I would like to know if the roadmap includes the implementation of the calculation of the risk index of each individual asset based on the asset risks defined within the Asset Risk Management section. From my point of view it would be very useful to be able to sort assets based on their risk index.


Assetts, Third Parties and Business Units (and their process) work as input to risks. Today you can see, for each one of these you can now tell the number of associated risks.

But is not possible to see, in the filter, the amount of risk associated with the asset, third party or business unit. You can see this on charts:

Your suggestion is to see the accumulated risk (analysis and treatment stages) on the filter?


Yes, in order to be able to arrange assets per risk score.

makes sense, i have just included this on the roadmap

So apreciated! :slight_smile: