Question - CMM (Capability Maturity Model) calculation

you can add custom fields on your audits with a dropdown and define how the audit went, for example 0-10 or whatever. Then this field should then trigger dynamic status for each value.

the dynamic status triggered in the “audit” tab then can be inherited with new dynamic status on the parent “internal control”, the condition will be something like "Child % items with dymamic status = 0, etc.

That means that your Internal Controls will reflect how well your testing went. At this stage you can create reports (default chart items group by status for example) and also, you could in the Compliance analysis module inherit the status of your internal controls. so when you load your compliance analysis module, for every item you will see the maturity of that item based on the associated internal control , audit results.

I would say this is as close as it gets

there are nine million different frameworks, we won’t most likely tie ourselves to any of them but we shuold be able to provide sufficient settings for people to configure something that resembles this. Feature - triggers will help a lot in this area but is still on the roadmap.

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