Hello, I’m using eramaba community for now as a beginning. And i ve tried to import a csv file in the Business Based Risk Management and I end up with the following error,
- Oops, an error has occurred. We have blocked this request!
This could have happened for a variety of reasons, for example you have refreshed this page multiple times, you have accessed a part of the system you have no access, Etc. Close the window and start again.
If you can reproduce this message and you are sure is an error report it as a bug. If the problem persist, please download information about this error by clicking on button below and send it to your administrator.
|Status code:|400|
|Message:|The request has been black-holed|
|Description:|The requested address ‘/settings/zipErrorLogFiles’ was not found on this server or you don’t have access to go there.|*
and I can’t download the error. Is there a solution or can I do it just in eramba enterprise?
Ps : i’m using the french version so to habe an “é” i use “é” that’s how eramba read it. even if i change it it doesn’t work!