Question: Creating a Compliance package

Hi, I am currently trying to create the package for the Danish D-mærket.

I am aware about the “Compliance Package Database” learning objective, but i am still recieving errors when importing my template.

The .csv file is CSV UTF-8(Comma delimited).

This is an example of a string that creates an error when imported:

1,Styring og forankring i ledelsen,NA,1.1,Roller og ansvar I forhold til it-sikkerhed og ansvarlig dataanvendelse,"Virksomheden skal sikre, at mindst én navngiven person påtager sig ansvaret for virksomhedens it-sikkerhed og ansvarlige dataanvendelse. ",NA

I know the above string is in danish, but the fundamentals is the same.


yep, send the package to and we’ll check it out for you

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