We are heavily audited and we make some of our policies/documents available to specific clients via the Policy Portal using their own specific account which are permissioned correctly and this works great and they are able to download the documents when required.
We provide some clients with various reports which we currently either send out automatically or manually upon request and what we would like to do is make the reports available via the Policy Portal.
My Solution
My solution so far is to create a Document in the Policy module and make it available in the Policy Portal containing direct hyperlinks URL’s (which I can get) to download the reports directly from the document, again this works great, but just for me as I am an Admin!
Permissions Problem
I have tried to look for the correct permissions to assign the client user groups so they have the ability to click the direct report hyperlinks in the document and download the reports, but to no avail. I have tested all of the ‘View Reports’ permissions for various modules in the Group Authorisations, but none of them appear to work. I have also been through the training around this and I can’t see where this specific problem is covered… unless I’m just being stupid (No comments please lol).
Does anyone have any idea what permissions are required or has anyone got a better solution?