Question: enabling/disabling access to Policy Portal

my SysAdmin and I have been reading the Eramba 'Access Management’ document.
The intro section on “Portals” makes sense, and lists 5 portals ( Main, Awareness, Online Assessments, Account Review and Policy Portal)… however when we go into the settings to chose which portals an account or group can access, there are only three to chose from (Main, Online Assessment, and Account Reviews).
And your screenshot in the document shows the same choice of only three.

Are we doing something wrong?
We would like to create a default group in Eramba which only allows access to the Policy Portal.

You should see this:

if not, log a case with support pls!

Yes, we do see that, and we have the authentication set on the Policy Portal.
But what we also see is as per the screenshot in your documentation:

…it doesn’t seem to let you give an LDAP group access to to just the Policy portal. You can only select Main, Online Assessment, or/and Account Reviews.

This is set on every single policy

Oh I see,

So if we made an LDAP group called ‘Policies only’, and set that group do it does not have access to Main, and manually set it able to see every single policy, that would work, I guess? :slight_smile:
(I have nearly 300 policies though! Ouch )

what you see on the portal is defined on each policy: public, private, ldap not at the user level