Question - Eramba API user module


We have recently migrated to Eramba cloud instance and we are facing some blocking point related to “New user’s account automatic creation” , which could be resolved with the API integration with our data base.

In that case, once we have new user in our group, his account will be synchronized and created automatically on Eramba cloud server.

Would it be possible to add this feature to your application? Or when it could be planned?

Kind regards,

you mean an api end point to manage users in eramba?

Yes. An API to get our new users in the group to create automatically their account on Eramba platform.
For now, we have to create manually users and their a risk of duplicated account especially if we use the CSV users import.

you tried CSV imports?

see doc: Access Management | Eramba learning portal

also is not very common to have to create that many users in eramba…just raising this in case you are planning to create more than two/three users per group.

see doc: Access Management | Eramba learning portal

The issue with the CSV import is that you need to do the upload manually.
We are looking for an automatic solution that also guarantee no duplicated data that we can update anytime “automatically”.

we prefer for the time being not doing this as there is no need to create many accounts in eramba, did you review the post i mentioned above about who needs accounts? deviating from that advice might cause issues in your implementation.

Yes, I saw and read the article. Thank you for sharing the link.