Question - PHP 8.2.9 Update? (Vulnerability in 8.2.8)


Apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere. Our vulnerability scanner keeps tripping on the PHP version packaged in the eramba docker container (8.2.8). Is there a plan to upgrade past that version?

There’s a compatibility issue with higher versions and the language translation module. My understanding is the incompatibility issue will be fixed with 3.24 (next release), and I suppose that will be upgrade time…

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Not sure which version are you running, but the latest image is with PHP version 8.2.11.
There will be an update again with release 3.24.0 which will be running the latest 8.2 version.
To update the PHP version you have to do what we call the image switch procedure because it is not possible to update the docker layer of the application with a simple browser update. See our documentation here: Docker Install | Eramba learning portal