Questions - generic questions

Hi to everyone,

I’m completely New in the Eramba community.

I’ve installed a functional community version and that’s already a food news.

I’m trying to follow the online documentation waiting for the next live session.

I’m a little bit confused about some things.

1)In the doc it’s said that eramba comes with a preloaded db of threats and vulns, where are/can get them?

  1. I imported nis 2.0 compliance package (by the way i have It in French if someone needs It). How can i link a risk with a compliance?

  2. Is there a risk list that we can import and where to find It?

  3. Are there other videos of a step by step implementation? The videos are quite confusing as they Jump from a concept to another without a sequencial approach (in my point of view).

Regards, Nicola


you need to review the documentation and implementation plan of eramba, following step by step instructions. the anawer to these questions are all there…

is best if you share here in which phase of the implemnetation you are for which use case and on what task you have problems.

regards and good luck