I have an user with restrictions in eramba, so he can only make comments and attachments and view items.
He uses the dashboard to know what he has to do. But there is only one policy shown at the area for expired tasks. On the other hand I can see that there are two more policies related to his group but not shown on his dashboard. What´s wrong with that?
Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean. Widgets now also have acls so you only see items that belongs to users. Or are you saying that some of the items that should be visible on widgets are not there? Can you show us some example where we see that person have role assigned and can not see the item?
I and the user I mentioned, were missing items in the expired tasks section. He only has 1 single item showing there while I have more but am still missing some.
How can one configure these dashboards, i.e. what is showing there for whom? I just need a pointer to figure out what changed (we did upgrade not long ago from the latest 2.x version of eramba to 3.x) and we’ll figure it out from there.
What the user sees on the index (default filter) of each section, he/she should be able to see the same items on widgets (limited to 30 days). In the dashboard config, you should specify which types of tasks you want to see there.
That sounds like it could solve my question but I literally have never seen a screen like your screenshot. Would you mind pointing me to where I can find that setting? Is it per user or an admin setting?
I truly have no idea where I can configure dashboards or widgets.
Aah, I see. Settings/dashboard template, and from there select the dashboard you want to edit. On that report builder, you will see the config of each widget
Thanks. I now know that only the last 30 days are shown and it seems I cannot use custom filters, only the system built-in filters. Obviosly I can change those and get the filters to show what I want.
Good to know about the expired tasks showing only those that expired in the last 30 days. This may be misleading for people logging in and thinking they don’t have any expired tasks.
We have updated our dashboard to include the revised widget title and note as shown, so this is clearer for everyone.
Further to the above comment, it would still be very useful to have a single page where one can see all expired Eramba tasks, rather than having to go to each page from the menu and filter out each type of task for a full view. It would also be very helpful to be able to send scheduled emails to individuals, listing all their expired tasks, whichever section they are related to in the Eramba menus and pages.
Unfortunately, not having such a consolidated view of expired tasks, even though we do send multiple reminders from the specific sections, is an easy way out for people to say they weren’t aware of any expired tasks they needed to cover.