Eramba Community 2.x to 3.x migration procedure

This guide explains how to migrate from the eramba community version 2.8.2 to version 3.17.0 and later.


  • We were unable to migrate some sections: a,b,c
  • We will no longer do these migration scripts because from now on both enterprise and community will be updated simultaneously. This is good news for everyone.


New instance with eramba version 3.17.0 running. Use our guides for docker or VMware.

Migration procedure:

  1. Update the current community to the latest 2.x version (2.8.2)

  2. Navigate into Settings/Backup and Restore

  3. Download Database and Files backups

  4. On your new instance, navigate again into Settings/Backup and Restore

  5. Upload the database and files backup you downloaded from the old instance.

  6. Run restoration process for both database and files

  7. Navigate into Settings/Integrity Check and try to resolve the problems that might occur.

  8. Go thru all risk sections (Asset Risk, Third Party Risk, Business Continuity) and validate Risk Calculation and Risk Appetite (in case you were using threshold, default threshold is not migrated) settings. If everything is ok, click the Save button to recalculate the whole section.

  9. Go to Settings/Reset Database and click on reset application ID to get new app id.

  10. Go to Settings/ Public address and set up the correct public address.

  11. Enjoy Eramba Community version 3.x!