Feature - clickable urls displayed in filters

I would like to suggest the addition of a clickable URL column (field) in the tasks of the Project Management module.

This feature allows users to include relevant URLs directly into the task details, providing a quick and easy way to access external resources or references related to specific tasks. The ability to click on the URL within the task details would greatly streamline navigation and access to additional information. For example, consider a link to the project plan.

This functionality exists in other screens of the platform.

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can you quote an example please?

The policy module is the only one I can think of. A URL datatype, or better a rich text field that supports hyperlinks would be very useful as a standard datatype across all customisable modules.

The Feature - New User Interface for eramba will make URLs on filters clickable automatically.


Set to open in new window hopefully?


yes, now if i would start to explain how complicated clickable urls can become to a software i could write three bibles.