Feature - Completely new UX/UI

Thanks for the Outlook to the new UX/UI.
Some Chart functionalities for the risk Management part would be nice. I’m still working on a really comprehensive but clear and simple graphical representation of our security risk Situation which is understandable for management. Didn’t come to a final answer yet… Maybe you’re having one :slight_smile: ?
I could think of two solutions:
A) heatmap with the axis Impact and Probability, each Point represents a risk (maybe with numbers for a legend of the risks?
B) Radar Chart. Would only make sens if we were able to group the risks by some categories. Then we could show it in a Radar Chart with risk score and residual score.

In short: Radar Charts and heatmaps for the risks would be great.

Ok - this one we had it in mind , we’ll have two types, section (which shows all risks) and item (which shows the risk selected highlighted from the rest). We will probably put “dots” without names as it could get too complicated given the small space on the chart…we’ll see.

can you show me a google image with an example?

ps. have you received the email i sent a few days ago with teh notification about the new template?

Today i was working on the default “item” and “section” reports for every section , this will be useful for you to have a basic template to start with (you can edit it or create new ones if you want of course).

In this case i was testing the policy item report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nKFecY7YKih6TuqQnB33AX87GxnknWJT/view

As you can see things are starting to take shape, we need to work a bit more on the formatting (some text and graphs are cut out on the pdf export) but if you ask me, this is a zillion times better than we had before (the “export to pdf option”).

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Really looking forward to the new UI/UX… do we have a projected release date?

totally missed your question about the radar chart
something like this for example

of course there must be a legend e.g. red = risk before controls, green = current risk, blue = targeted residual risk (respectively the risk acceptance).

there is also a nice risk presentation in one of the atlassian products. We have just one value but I like the colors.

Curious about this myself. Any ETA?

Fair (and good) question. We are almost done with development and we are now in deep testing, bug hunting and fixing … this is in our experience the later stages of any release. Internally we have november (first week) as a beta release deadline … but to be fair, we had the same deadline in October :frowning:

I can assure everyone that %99 of our development capacity since May 2018 has been on this damn project - nearly %70 of eramba is now brand new code and although is wonderful (is a bit like having a restored or even new car) it takes a ton of testing making sure it all works and is safe to use.

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Thanks, I appreciate how much work is involed. Looking forward to the beta when it’s ready.

We’re eagerly awaiting this release so we can start attaching audit evidence via API. Are you still on pace for a beta release this week?

maybe next week … we’ll keep you all posted dont worry

Anything new to share on the new UI/UX?

http://newtemplate.eramba.org (user: admin / pass: admin)

We miss:

  • review english grammar on the system
  • include the default reports on every section, which look a bit like the image below
  • new documentation (half done)
  • tiny bugs here and there, but for the most part all is pretty stable
  • test the update package (which is 100 megs on size and last time we tested took 10 minutes to complete)

The link above is a testing environment with testing data, so pretty mcuh anything can happen when you click something.

Dear Eramba team,

good job and nice design.

I miss a view to display items like in the edit screen. And links in the description fields would be great.

And the auto positioning of the screen. eg. Compliance Analysis Item / Edit item is not really comfortable. It would be great when the window will stick to the top. At the moment when i switch between the tabs the tab bar is always at a different position.

Best Regards,

Yep - we discussed resizing a lot here and i agree is annoying , once we launch the first version of thenew template we can work on this details (if you would know all that was changed you would understand why we call this things details!) … since the template is clean is a lot easier now to make system wide modifications touching only one piece of code.

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We did a change…it was annoying for us too

video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LpVhdn3qSLxl70z2MAb5eIxoUZEVzMNV/view

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Will the “complianceManagements/analyze” be gone in the new UI? I cannot find it in the demo. It contains like a LOT of detail in a very nice manner and is really impressive. I will for sure miss this.


Thanks for the feedback , do you refer to this window?

That goes away for the following reasons:

  • you cant really search (unless you do ctrol + f)
  • you cant click on a control or policy and get to the details of it (you need multiple tabs)
  • you cant adjust the columns you want to see . (now we dont show all) nor the order

I loved that window it was one the best things i probably did in eramba but it has its limitations.

the new way shows the same but with the advantages of correcting the things above and the reports.

I think it will take us all some time to get used to the new look&feel and we know out of experience it takes some time of using things until you know how to adjust them. We are not closed to listen and fix things (its pretty obvious by now) so lets give it a shot , document here ideas , and with time we’ll see what we can do to improve.

Thanks again for the feedback

Yes - and it will be missed. It gives information that in the interface today would require lots of scrolling both vertical and horizontal. But it will improve I hope - always hard to make such changes. For your example it is not that bad, but getting a full overview of a 300+ question compliance assessment in a glance is really important. All the mouse-over and details that were available (like comments) added to this.

Other than that, I assume the status will be optional in the filter like any other item in the future? I also hope that an alternative one could be made that takes less space (like only printing OK/MISSING or just a colored graph icon). Everything also takes so much space. I think a requirement must be that it should be able to create a A4 report with most of the details for like 20 or so risks. Today when I tried, often just one risk was showing for each page (and it was even vertical aligned). I know this is what the CSV export is for and external reporting tools, but I really want to avoid going there for everything.

I also found a big missing item. When editing a Compliance Analysis Item, the Title / Description / Audit Criteria is missing! This is quite important - or you have no way of knowing what you are editing or making an efficacy assessment on. I also use this a lot.

We’ll try to add it , remember you can edit things inline now on the filter directly … no need to go to the menu / edit form in most cases.