When describing the audit conclusions, we are missing a button to add attachments (“evidences”) that justifies the conclusions presented. As of now, the user is first adding the audit conclusions save and then go to “comments and attachments” to add the evidences, seems a bit cumbersome". Check image below.
yes, i would agree with this … we could probably add an attachment option there that would “short” cut the attachment option on the menu. would that help? im thinking that perhaps the same would be useful on the reivews (risks, policies, etc)
That’s more than enough. If you think about the education process (if you have multiple people doing self-assessment controls), it is more easy to explain if in that screen we have everything we need. Becomes more cumbersome to explain the flow of 1) write your audit conclusions and save then go to “done audits” - comments & attachments and attach a file.
So yes adding a short cut that pops the attachment window would be enough but remember that needs to be in the context of the current audit which is not yet saved. I guess that is why you have the current process because the objective only exists after been saved
So on both, audits and maintenances forms we need to include the same drop down we have on the policy review (where the user can upload one or more files):