we seem to have completed release 2.4.0, the change log is the following:
- Policy reviews must inherit the reviewer role (2228)
- Risk Sections are missing imports (2225)
- include attachment sno audits and maintenances forms (2213)
- imports on security incident module (2211)
- Your Account Is Getting Ready after first login (2169
- Mandatory fields a bit wrong (2236)
- small helper text issue (2231)
- Remove index limit from Comments and attachments (2227)
- Filters throwing database error when filtering (’ - ") (2226)
- Custom fields-Reports (2220)
- Temp. Filter export CSV error (2219)
- Inline edit gets stuck after closing (2217)
- Filters not saving dates (2215)
- Notification system shouldn’t allow to save not acceptable filename value (2205)
- Enable custom fields on Control Catalogue / Business Continuity Plans (and tasks) (2180)
- Wrong dropdown positioning (2168)
- remove whitelisting of ips (2166)
- Classification-UX improvement (2161)
- Translation option (2124)
- Controls Audit/Mantainances Dates picker improved / leap years bug (1961)
Our next release will take longer, probably a month as some of the guys here will be on well deserved holidays, but the plan is set for the following:
- purge trash (2214)
- User defined custom roles names (2223)
- Direct uri to link shortcut (2022)
- SAML2.0 and Oauth with ANY provider not just google (1938) - Note: although we have started work on this it might not be ready for this release and might be published on 2.6.0
and for sure we’ll need to include bugs as they get reported