Feature Request - Youtube video link / embed input for awareness

It would be really awesome to allow us the ability to link in a youtube video or embed code into the system instead of having to upload and serve the mp4 direction from the GRC server.

I think if you use the “disclaimer” option, you can embed any html magic you can pull of your sleeve - have you tried that?

Currently i’m using the embed code in the policy HTML template which isn’t very ideal. One major limiter is the bounds of the iframe is horribly small so pushing in there looks crazy. Sure people can and SHOULD click to move to a full screen view of the video, but the whole work around with the small window is unfortunately pretty lacking. Would be awesome just to past in the video with the video input so we can do policy > video > questions > thanks in the normal flow. I’d also rather pull videos from a private youtube video then off the eramba server directly etc.

I created a pop out iframe to get past the limitation of the small window to hook up to training videos and this worked a treat for me

barry - was that somewhere on the forum i believe?

@jdeltener you could have a look at this discussion on how to create pop-out iframes: