Feature - update internal audit records logic

On e3.23.1:

  • If i go to internal controls and create an item with audit settings, the control when saved will generate audit records

  • when you edit an INCOMPLETE audit record, the following field should be disabled so the user can not modify it.

  • once an audit record has been COMPLETED, the edit option should be removed, this is to keep consistency with the approach we take on reviews.

Github: https://github.com/eramba/eramba/issues/4644

In the same way, and to be aligned with the next version of reviews (Feature - review process of risks, policies and assets), after the creation of a New Audit, the “Planned Start” date should be disabled, the user can no longer modify this date. You can still show this field to the user (read-only).

Some users are not using the “Audit Start Date” and “Audit End Date”, so my suggestion will be as follows:

  • Fill both of them automatically with the Actual Date.
  • Allow users to hide them in the “Customization” menu so each company can decide whether to use them.

Sometimes, users need to schedule/reschedule multiple controls, so you should be able to Bulk Edit the “Audits” tab of the Internal Control.

Those changes should be applied to all Audits sections and Maintenances.

I struggle with this - on one hand, yes, a planned date shouldn’t be changeable, but then again, it should. Prioritizies and resource allocations shift all the time and the user should have the flexibility (or perhaps, option via customization or a permission) to make modifications.

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the date can be changed anytime on the internnal control, but the idea is that once you planned something in theory it should stay.