Another training completed ! You can find here participants feedback, we appreciate everyone’s good mood and kind words.
good stuff and good structured metholodgy to make a GRC program
i did access management wrong
Very helpfull
Thank you
Much better that the previous years!
Very patient and detailed oriented. Great work.
Woohoo, now I can start with the rest of the project.
Intense but enlightening
Excellent workshop and very helpful to implement and learn about the olatform
Short and to the point. No fluff.
It all made sense after the last session
more complex as I thought, but very good
intense and essential
need more training sessions
looking at further deploying Eramba
It was excellently prepared. Thank you for time spent on this. Course was very valuable with live person.
Greate training and a lot of impressions! Thanks
I wish ISO-related questions were not bounced back but rather considered. I know Eramba is not ISO-centric but you see that a lot of trainees ask for it.
this was more about arc basics than about using the tool
Actually a great session, cleared most of my doubts…
Thank you for taking the time to do this! 
Very helpful and intense training. Thanks
thanks for trainings
Great webinars, as always. Big thanks.
Impressive training - learned about Eramba but also new things about my job
Very good traiing and can be shown with more practical examples
Have someone answer questions seperately to your teaching (set time in the session)
It was good but only for tips, not long explanations
I have not more comments, opinions. Very good job, Esteban! 
Excellent qorkshop . amazing trainer. This last coule of days have been well spent . Thank you for all your efforts.
a lot of stuff
great training, especially the last day bringing all topics together
Great experience
Many things, I need to practice more 
These training are very benefitial I woud like to re warch the vidoes and follow along. Thank you for crearing this contens
The instructor lead training was great and really helped understand the online documentation better.
Really complex training
Going to have to view the recordings to fully absorb all this.
Nothing. My brain is buzzing 
Estaban was a wonderful teacher and while there was a lot to cover his wit and humor kept me engaged. I will definetly need to practice it myself and go back to the needed learning pages to review some stuff as it was all very fast. But I loved it. Thank you for your time!
Allows me to understand how Eramba works alongside GRC implementation
very complex program
What really helped was having real world examples from a practitioner. Thanks for all that excellent work.
I am really appreciate the direct style of the presentation and focus on the core study.
absolut geniale schulung! Zu schnell für mich manchmal (i am over 50) GRC macht plötzlich Spass!!
It´s very useful software and I´m greatfull for Esteban for explaination
It confirmed to me that eramba would be the right solution for us when we or our customers need a GRC application
This training has given me a broader overview of implementing risk management in Eramba and how to navigate the tool
the usefulness of Eramba seems more understandable to me, including for a small structure like mine
Training was greatly appreciated and Eramba looks like a good fit for us. The interface is nice, sensible, and has many features that other platforms are charging a lot for. Thank you for this!
the different case studies are very helpful. very pragmatic program that can be set up very individually, with a few small barriers
Great trainer and training, learned a lot, nice product
Very intense, but very useful to understand the features of the software and to discover some tips. Great training!
Thanks for your clear and straight explaininations. You really helped me alot! Wish I had your trainings bevore starting to implementEramba.
I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this training, which shed more light on the subject for me.
This training could have been more concise. I don’t feel like enough material was covered to justify devoting 2 hours per day for 5 days. This probably could have been done in two sessions, but a great deal of time was spent discussing the philosophy of Eramba versus the how-to of Eramba. In retrospect, I think I would prefer self-paced training modules versus this format.
Very good presentation, the combination of the training and the learning portal content is more helps to fill any gap in knowledge
Not very interactive training