I am not sure how to craft a better title, I hope its kind of clear what I meant.
Our company is German, but recently there has been a trend to hire more and more English-only-speaking colleagues which makes our whole ISMS pretty pointless as they cannot read anything.
I now see these options, please let me know if there are more or better ones:
a) start translating the most important ones and “somehow” embed them into Eramba. When I say “somehow” it is obvious that I could simply duplicate every document I have translated and now have two, but I rather envision something like a language select button inside Eramba which will then filter the content by language. I’m pretty sure this is very, very far from any roadmap Eramba currently has, but I thought I’d throw the idea out there.
b) How about incorporating a “translate button” into Eramba anywhere there is content shown which translates the visible text using an API so Google Translate or LibreTranslate can quickly deliver a translation for the person reading?
c) Append the translated English content in the same document, right after the German one. This would be easiest but very ugly imho
I am open for further ideas, I am sure I am not the first one to have a need for multi-language content.
yes correct , i had a similar issue in the late 90’s (yes, i know) and we had policies written on two languages on the same document. is horrible, but met regulator needs. people back then did not really read them anyway…
in the new ux there is a new editor planned, one better than what we have today. that new will include AI related things “write a policy for this and that”. the translation you mention was not considered , no-one ever asked for it to my knowledge. but worth pointing, who knows.
I expected the reply will most probably keep both versions in the same document for now.
I would really appreciate it if you bring up the translation button idea when you guys next talk about the new editor.
It wouldn’t even need to be a “real” translation button, if I can customize the AI button I could give it a prompt like: append a translation in language X below the current policy content or something similar.
Say we start translating policies (this also means translating the policy titles) I still have the problem that I am unsure how to “present” the translated policies to a certain user group.
Currently in the policy portal, there is a search, but it is quite cumbersome to always have to search.
I will look into creating a custom role and see if I can create a workaround with the portal policy permissions.
The idea is to only show translated policies to a certain group of users.
If you have followed the above post for creating a new custom field you can create a new Group (German Document Portal Group) with just the View Document (Allowed) in the Authorisations, then add the new created group to the user(s) ‘Groups’ option.
Once that is done, just add the new Group to all of the German documents Custom Field (Portal Visibility Group) and the document should be visible to only the users that have been assigned the new group.
That is exactly what I was referring to, and yes that is exactly what we are currently doing
I didn’t have the link handy when writing my previous post, but it seems I explained it well enough for you to spot what I meant.
I will try and see if/how it works out, for now I had only mapped it out in theory, but it’s nice to see you confirming my general idea.
I’ll reply here if I have a working solution in case anyone else is interested too.
I have a few different groups set up like this for our auditors/clients. This way I get the granularity and segregation needed to only make visible the documents required in their respective portals. It works well and the auditors and clients seem happy as they always have up to date versions without having to bother me, which is a bonus.
It works well and the auditors and clients seem happy as they always have up to date versions without having to bother me, which is a bonus.
I wish! My auditors always demand documents, sometimes, if a policy is created using the online editor, I print it to PDF for them.
My auditors always want toe SOA as an Excel file. I never managed to get them to understand that the “online” (Compliance analysis) I can provide to them in the system is much better and accurate than a snapshot I downloaded or exported at a specific point in time
Btw. the filtering of translated content in the policy portal works as described above.
Our auditors (KPMG) are happy to visit the Document Portal and download the documents/Policies themselves as PDF’s. All of our documents are using Eramba Content. This way they always have the latest version with all the meta data.