In eramba, controls are used to remediate “problems” = risks, data flow analysis and compliance requirements
there is no relationship in between controls and business units, because business units are not “problems” (what they do might be a problem, therefore the risk module)
Its very IMPORTANT everyone understands the concepts above before using eramba, the video should help but if you still have questions (which could easily be the . case please ask! -as done in this post-)
is fundamental to get the basics on how eramba thinks of GRC to be able to use the system correctly, also bare in mind that you can typically rely on the “help” button to know the associations on every section:
But how we can relate the control if this only applicable on certain business units?
I mean my organization has different location in multiple countries. Some of the control applied to only country and may not applicable to others.
If I add custom fields, to name it as ‘Related Business Unit’ - it will be just a text being stored but no link to the exact business unit that has been saved into Eramba at the very beginning.
As i said before controls and BU do not link to each-other, please review the basic grc documentation (see above) you wont hear the word BU once on the video. Bu are only used for risk, nothing else.
you start using eramba by understanding your problems: risk, compliance and data flows. business units is just metadata that gives context to a problem. the same way an asset behaves.
a car (asset) is not a problem until a human drives it. then there could be problems (risks)
a finance team (bu) is not a problem on itself until it start moving money (assets), then there could be problems (risk)
yes, you might need more than one control. that depends entirely how your organisation deals with problems. Account reviews might be done the smae way in the whole planet while CCTV might be done different because technologies implemented on each country are different.
yes, because custom fields are not used to link components (bu, legal, risk, etc) each other, they are used for adding meta data to a section
if this is confusing you might want to consider re-vewing the documentation, attending our online trainings or purchasing consulting hours from our portal.
Internal controls once imported into Eramba, can we replace it with new import file which replace the uploaded data in internal controls?
Also if we deleted some internal controls, it will be push into trash right? Can we permanent delete it and will not be able to see it anymore anywhere in Eramba?
In Asset Risk Management, once we have select and associate any asset to the risk, we can see the related business units. In Business Unit, we able to see the Asset Risk applicable in every business unit. I saw this in the Demo version of Eramba. How I can see the column for attached screenshot in Business Unit?
a filter can show item names (in this case would be the name of the asset risks) or the counter (the number of asset risks) … we use the counter as the names would make the table too large