Feature - Emptying Trash

Is there a way to empty out the trash / versioning history ?

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Bump. I think this would be a great idea.

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We always had second thoughts about doing delete operations on the db … but i guess we are now slightly grownups and this could work

ref: https://github.com/eramba/eramba_v2/issues/2214

The trash would use bulk edits and two options will be available: Purge or Restore

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That would work. I run into issues with deleted risks where I can’t bulk remove/change risk attributes such as classifications, tags. I would need to restore, change and delete again.

As our methodologies mature I can’t easily cleanse old categories and tags in bulk if they are still used by deleted risks.

Is the purge trash only pushed to 2.6.0 (as listed in the roadmap) or are you reconsidering the option completely ?

The code is done and its on the package, but the “button” is not shown. We did this because i still have second thoughts on this functionality and dont want to risk customers loosing data. Is hard to explain without understanding the internals of eramba but trust me i think is best for now to keep this off.

Is there someway this could be initiated offline or the backend with the support team, in our case as our understanding of the product evolved, and new features became available, we accumulated… items in the trash.

Yes we understand - having items there does not affect performance of the system (i do realise is annoying to see the counter tough). We’ll do this when we think is safe to do it … a month or so from now hopefully.

We hope that we can some function to clear or empty the trash rather than see the number of trash on the menu.

Or we can have auto clean after 3-6 months if the item been deleted located in Trash.

We considered this but will only happen after we complete the migration to cake4, so 4-5 months from now.

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Any updates here? Option to empty out trash would be a great addition

we have not completed the migration , so nothing yet …

Any updates on this topic?

We would need this functionality (almost for test data or mistakes creating elements).

This should be a functionality available just for the Admin user (becouse as you mention there are risks on this activity).


Nope, it was still not taken into a release.