We have desided not to update to the newest version, as we need the system to work as “usual” untill we complete Audit next week…
however i am wondering about this description:
e1.0.6.032 11. 03. 2017 - IMPORTANT: In the next couple of months we’ll need all systems to run php7.x and MySQL 5.6.5 / MariaDB 10.1.x or greater. Please begin the required arrangements in your organisation to perform that migration.
We connect to a mysql database on another server - so i suppose the health check will fail?
Another note - mysql 5.6.5 and php7.x is not present in official Debian repo’s.
using ppa’s for production systems is not considered desirable by our operations…
Same applies to redhat enterprise linux. Redhat is very cautious with upgrading to new version, so we still are on a lower version, even though these versions are quite old already.
I guess there are some enterprises using RHEL or Debian thus it might be good to not speed up too much on this requirement (which is my corporate opinion… personally I think that the integration of new versions is too slow on RHEL) .