This will be the first web-based upgrade we have done in a long time … the end of the migration to v3 is almost there (wishful thinking!). We will release e3.5.0 on the 22nd November at the evening.
This is the first upgrade that can be done online using the web-interface, please watch this video how the new updater works:
- Bug-Audits/maintenances upload attachments shows comments (int.ref.)
- Bug-Logo on the policy portal not working (int.ref.)
- Bug-Not possible to remove last user from Internal Controls Collaborator (int.ref.)
- Bug-Wrongly configured user on AD side problems (int.ref.)
- Bug-OA permissions (group) seem to affect what a user can do on OA (int.ref.)
- Bug-Reset password using online portal fails (int.ref.)
- Bug-Compliance analysis menu reorder (int.ref.)
- Bug-Adjust what users see on the “View” authorization of a section (int.ref.)
- Bug: Admin group should be able to delete all attachments (int.ref.)
- Bug-Missing bubble about new comments and attachments (int.ref.)
- Bug-Nicer modal when you dont have access to something (int.ref.)
- Bug-Shortcut counter not redirecting correctly (int.ref.)
- Bug-Renaming custom roles does not reflect on notifications (int.ref.)
- Bug-Missing node for ACL (int.ref.)
- Bug-Not possible to create asset classifications until risks settings are done (int.ref.)
- Bug-Notifications toggle email/rest allows you to save a notification empty (forum)
- Bug-Policies download link is not working on portal (int.ref.)
- Feature-Possibility to filter incomplete audits (forum)
- Feature-Change default notification for user creation body (int.ref.)
Core Features: