The release includes:
- Feature - Add +60 to all notifications (2572)
- Feature - Include awareness % of correct answers on filters (2536)
- Feature - Default group for comments and attachments (view and add only) (2584)
- Feature - Remove dates from audit settings deletes wrong audit records (2569)
- Feature-Top 5 assets/tp/process by risk score charts (2570)
- Feature - Charts - New, Modified and Deleted Items over Time (2201)
- Improvement - Text type on content type of policy must be expanded
- Improvement - Remove import 100 limit to OAs (2588)
- Improvement - Remove toggle auto-close exception “closure” date (2582)
- Improvement - Refresh page after browser resize (2471)
- Improvement - Extend title/name field to 255 chart (2579)
- Bug - Inline edit of review should not be possible (2587)
- Bug - Change value type of package id (2589)
- Bug - Account reviews fields not correct (2583)
- Bug - Compliance mappings is missing one field (2427)
- Bug - Options menu not shown correctly (2557)
- Bug - Modal of error log not open (2556)
Core Fixes:
- MySQL 8.x compatibility issues (2585)
- Add option to choose user in sync_filters (2591)
- Improved index for ACOs
Planned for e2.18.0 is Cake migration to version 4. This update will require 3 months of work so you wont get new features during this time just bug fixing.